About Us

As an Open and Welcoming Congregation, at Trinity we open our red doors wide to welcome everyone, regardless of ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socio-economic circumstance, or religious background or beliefs.
We are an affirming church and a member of the Community of Welcoming Congregations, and we support and embrace the LGBTQIA+ community in all our ministries and programs. Trinity is an urban congregation that aspires to radical hospitality: this altar is open to everyone - no exceptions.
Whoever you are and whatever your background or your beliefs, there's a place for you here!
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Who We Are
As a congregation of the Episcopal Church, we are anchored in a centuries-old tradition that is ancient yet new, ritualized yet relaxed, transcendent yet intimate, reverent yet filled with life. While some of us have been Episcopalians for all of our lives, others found the Episcopal Church only recently.
What we share is a common desire to seek and find God in the context of a community. We want to walk this journey with others... in worship, in conversation, through learning, in fellowship, and in service to Portland and the world.
We want to be a place where anyone—and we mean anyone—can experience a renewed, reconciled and loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
We strive to be a cathedral not just for the Diocese of Oregon but for people of many faiths and no faith throughout our state, and a critical part of that vocation is telling the truth about why we’re here. We recognize and honor those who for many generations stewarded this land before us, the Multnomah and Clackamas bands of the Chinook peoples.
Our Core Values
Trinity's Core Values were adopted in 2008 to guide us as we strive for a more just community.
Respect: We will respect the dignity of every human being
Compassion: We will love our neighbor as ourselves
Integrity: We will proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ
Justice: We will strive for justice and peace among all people
Inclusion: We will seek and serve Christ in all persons
Stewardship: We will sustain the gift of joy and wonders in all Your works