Visitors with Limited Mobility
Wheelchair access to the cathedral and parish hall/office buildings is available by using the ramp on NW 19th Ave. and proceeding through the courtyard to the ramp at the far end.
Chapel services can be accessed via the ramp on the corner of Trinity Place & Everett.
An elevator is located on the south side of the parish hall building and can be found by entering through the main parish hall entrance in the courtyard and turning left at the front office.
Limited handicapped parking is available directly behind the cathedral on the east side of Trinity Place, and in the parking lots on Trinity Place & on NW 19th Ave. just south of the cathedral.
Visitors with Impaired Hearing
Sound amplification is available for worship services and other events held in the cathedral.
Please ask an usher for the appropriate device.
Visitors with Impaired Vision
To access the leaflet on your mobile device, please click below.
Headphones are available - just ask an usher or a staff member.
Visitors at Home
All Trinity sermons are available on our podcast, available here, on Apple Podcasts/Google Play/Stitcher, or as videos on our YouTube channel.
Each week's leaflet can be accessed on our Service Leaflets page. Leaflets are available approximately from the Thursday prior to any given Sunday to the Wednesday after.