Celebrating Your Place in the Family of God

What is baptism?
In baptism, we welcome new members into the church, commit our-selves to support them in their life in Christ, and re-dedicate our own lives to Christ.
Who can be baptized at Trinity?
Anyone is welcome to be baptized!
When do baptisms take place?
Baptism takes place throughout the year on specific Sundays.
These include: the First Sunday after Epiphany (January/February), at the Easter Vigil (adult baptisms only), on Pentecost (May/June), Transfiguration Sunday (the first Sunday of August), and All Saints Sunday (First Sunday in November).
Baptism for a child?
Parents who would like to have their infant or child baptized are invited to attend a preparation class (two sessions), which takes place in the week or two before the date of the baptism.
Baptism for an adult?
Adults who wish to be baptized are encouraged to attend Catechesis, a class that meets on Wednesday evenings from January through May.
Questions? Ready to get started?
Contact Cathedral Life Administrator Shannon Tilton, either by email or at 503-478-1223.