Virtual Labyrinth Walk
Mon, May 16
Join the Trinity Labyrinth Guild for a virtual labyrinth walk, every third Monday!

Time & Location
May 16, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM
About the Event
Join  the Trinity Labyrinth Guild for a virtual labyrinth walk, every third Monday! The labyrinth, even when walked with your finger, is a way to  quiet the mind and find deep peace. Directions, music…
REGISTER IN ADVANCE: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEodOGrqjsvH9eaC3tM-t0fAjgbtgaSdsdI
Just  download a finger labyrinth, or use your own, and click the call-in  button below to join the Trinity Labyrinth Guild for this time of  contemplation and meditation. Downloadable labyrinths are available at…
We also invite you to join us on fourth Mondays from 4:30-7:30 for in-person labyrinth walks held in Kempton Hall at (147 NW 19th St., Portland 97209). Learn more at Trinity Episcopal Cathedraltrinity-episcopal.org/labyrinth