Virtual Writing Workshop
Thu, Aug 22
Write your heart out with poet and storyteller Melissa L. Bennett. Here is a chance to get started on that writing project you’ve been thinking about or as an opportunity to try a new creative outlet.

Time & Location
Aug 22, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
About the Event
Write your heart out with poet and storyteller Melissa L. Bennett. Here is a chance to get started on that writing project you’ve been thinking about or as an opportunity to try a new creative outlet. All writing levels welcome! You may attend a single session or all four. (Held on Zoom only. Times are listed in Pacific Time.)
Register in advance: https://onrealm.org/TrinityEpiscopalpdx/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=NjYxOGNmMTgtOTI1OC00MDE1LWE2YjQtYjFiZjAxODQ4YjA2
Suggested donation: $25-$75 (inclusive of 4 sessions). Sliding scale.
About the presenter: Melissa L. Bennett, M.Div., is a descendant of the Umatilla, Nimiipuu, Sac & Fox, and Anishinaabe Nations. She also carries Nordic and Celtic ancestry. Melissa is a writer, storyteller, storylistener, spirit worker, tarot reader, and chaplain. She centers her practice on the intersections of creativity, healing justice, and Indigenous ways of knowing. Melissa is a 2024 Storyknife Resident and member of the 2023-24 Changemaker Author’s cohort. She was a 2023 Community Storytelling Fellow with Oregon Humanities and is a member of the Macondo Writers Workshop.
Learn more about her work as a writer and spiritual care provider: melissalbennett.com