Greg Harris
Senior Warden
Esthela O’Grady Cornwall-Brady Harris made sure her grandson Greg was baptized at Christ Episcopal Church in St. Helens. Thirty years would pass before Greg had another meaningful experience in church.
The counter-culture trends of the 1970s made an impression on the teenage Greg. He was intrigued with Alan Watts’ lectures on Eastern religions that KINK FM broadcasted on Sunday mornings. He began to think of himself as a Taoist while in high school. He first encountered the gospel in Jesus Christ Superstar, and, alone in his room, he enjoyed lip-synching to Judas’ songs.
Jumping ahead about 15 years, find Greg and his wife Elaine living in Los Angeles. They accepted a friend’s invitation to attend All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena which is where Greg’s life as a Christian began. Greg experienced what felt like a conversion experience the very first time he moved forward for Communion. There he was sobbing crocodile tears processing down the aisle as if he was responding to a tent revival altar call oblivious to the reactions of the well-heeled and proper Episcopalians sitting around him.
Since he believed before he understood, Greg embarked on an extended course of self study trying to figure out what that Sunday morning meant. That quest continued when he returned home to Oregon and joined Trinity in 1993. Greg was part of the first Education for Ministry (EFM) course with Canon for Education Mary Sicilia and dear friends like his predecessor as Senior Warden Leigh Wilson.
Greg has been involved in a range of Trinity ministries. Upon graduating from EFM, he joined the Cornerstone Community whose members strive to live according to the monastic Rule of St. Benedict. His wife Elaine leads that community as its abbot. Greg served as clerk of the chapter during The Rev. Anthony Thurston’s final years at Trinity. He became an elected vestry member as Rev. Bill Lupfer began his service. Greg worked closely with the Rev. Marianne Borg during the early years of the Center for Spiritual Development. He is currently a member of the Outreach and Cathedral Life commissions. Most recently he has served as co-chair of the Annual Giving Campaign.
As Senior Warden, Greg hopes to serve Trinity with an open mind, open ears and open heart. He invites you to share your longings and concerns for Trinity