Join us each day for Reverberation of the Spirit, a daily Advent Calendar podcast.
Immerse yourself in a gentle 5-6 minute meditation to anchor your spirit amidst the busyness of the season as we anticipate the coming of Christ.
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Introduction: Shana McCauley
Canon Vicar Shana McCauley introduces this year's Advent podcast: Reverberation of the Spirit.
Day 1: Liz Harlan-Ferlo | December 3
"Grief is love with nowhere to land."
Day 2: Jennifer Creswell | December 4
"I don't like Christmas."
Day 3: Ian Doescher | December 5
"Slowing down is not my spiritual gift."
Day 4: Ryan Whitley | December 6
"How I started reading Westerns."
Day 5: Jayaychitra Lalitha | December 7
"Slowing down is about doing less, but doing better."
Day 6: Leyla King | December 8
"We hold our breath and hope that the ceasefire will hold."
Day 7: Peter Elliott | December 9
"The music of Advent speaks into the darkness."
Day 8: Katie Webb | December 10
"Something big is coming."
Day 9: Chris Arnold | December 11
"Listening is a kind of anticipation."
Day 10: Star Called Sun | December 12
"Good Things Come" (musical reflection)
Day 11: Roger Ferlo | December 13
"Listening is a kind of anticipation."
Day 12: Peggy Lo | December 14
"It takes practice to be in the fullness of our being."
Day 13: Steve Isaacson | December 15
"Advent is about anticipation."
Day 14: Phil Hooper | December 16
"Luminous mysteries for a dark season."
Day 15: Charissa Simmons | December 17
"Joy is not perfect happiness."
Day 16: Caitlyn Keith | December 18
"I found my first grey hair this week."
Day 17: Shana McCauley | December 19
"I have a complicated relationship with quiet."
Day 18: Laura Di Panfilo | December 20
"Peace is here."
Day 19: Liz Harlan-Ferlo | December 21
"Why do religious people have to be so serious?"
Day 20: Nathan LeRud | December 22
"Were you silent, or were you silenced?"
Day 21: Kids of Trinity | December 23
"What's the difference between silence and quiet?"
Day 22: Shana McCauley | December 24
"When we say yes to the impossible thing, our souls sing."