This Lent, plug in and meditate on the Stations of the Cross with a series of weekly audio reflections that help you link the divine with your daily life.
How might Jesus’ final hours feel different when juxtaposed with a walk in the neighborhood, or in a quiet corner at home, or while driving to pick up take-out? Pause a few times a week for scripture, prayers, and music for Lent.
Station 1: Jesus is Condemned to Death
The Rev'd Shana McCauley, Canon for Cathedral Life at Trinity Cathedral
Art: The Savior, by Henry Ossawa Tanner, ca. 1900–1905
All art featured in this audio pilgrimage series is drawn from Stations of the Cross at SAAM, developed by Victoria Emily Jones of Art & Theology, and is part of the collection at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC.
Music: Improvisations by Katie Burk (Organ Scholar at Trinity Cathedral)
Poetry: "Jesus is Condemned," by James Matthew Wilson
Station 2: Jesus Takes Up His Cross
The Very Rev'd Nathan LeRud, Dean of Trinity Cathedral
Art: Look Down That Road by Charles Pollock, 1942 All art featured in this audio pilgrimage series is drawn from Stations of the Cross at SAAM, developed by Victoria Emily Jones of Art & Theology.
William Byrd: "Civitas Sancti" (recorded live by the Cathedral Chamber Singers at Trinity Cathedral)
Improvisation by Katie Burk (Organ Scholar at Trinity Cathedral)
Poetry: "The Coming," by R.S. Thomas
Station 3: Jesus Falls the First Time
The Rev'd Bingham Powell, Rector at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Eugene
Art: The Breakdown by William H. Johnson, ca. 1940–41 All art featured in this audio pilgrimage series is drawn from Stations of the Cross at SAAM, developed by Victoria Emily Jones of Art & Theology.
"Were you there when they crucified my Lord," sung by Jessica Rossi
"Love Unknown," played by John Jantzi (Music Director & Organist at St. Mary's)
Poetry: Excerpt from Made for Goodness, by Archbishop Desmond Tutu & Mpho Tutu